Over father's day weekend I had the opportunity to give my farewell talk. I was so grateful for everyone that made it out to hear me speak and support me. I was pretty nervous to give my talk because confession time: I have not been asked to give a talk since I was 14 years old (I'm not entirely sure how I pulled that one off). But I figured that if I was going to be preaching the gospel for a year and a half, I better get used to it! Luckily when the time came for me to speak I could feel that the Spirit was with me so all of the nerves and fear washed away as I stood among the congregation.
The day before my farewell I had a few of my close friends over for dinner. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and snap a few pics. LOVE THESE PEOPLE
I cannot even count all of the nights that I have spent with this awesome family. Anna (the one on the left side of me) is going to be playing golf at BYU and even though she could have gone to Provo and settled in a few days earlier, she stayed back so that she could hear me speak. She and her mom packed up and left right after sacrament meeting to head to Utah. LOVE THESE PEOPLE
Just a few of my BFF's. Seriously all of these girls ROCK! LOVE THESE POEPLE
And of course you can't pass up the jumping pic
The Billat sisters drove all the way from Utah that morning and stayed in CO for about 30 hours so that they could hear me speak. Now THAT'S dedication! LOVE THESE PEOPLE

My wonderful Grandma and Grandpa Syddall drove out from Utah and spent some time with the family. It was so great to have them here. LOVE THESE PEOPLE
My mama and papa! They truly are the greatest people I know. Thankful that my dad was willing to give me some of the limelight on father's day ;) LOVE THESE PEOPLE
And here is a picture of the family that was able to make it out for my farewell! We missed Lexee & Jason, Austin, and G'ma & G'pa Goldsberry! (And Scarlett who was smart and fell asleep before the picture taking haha) LOVE THESE PEOPLE and the people who weren't there
Is it apparent that I really, really, REALLY love each and everyone of these people? I hope I got the point accross haha. THANK YOU to everyone who made it out to hear me one last time!