Well this is it! In a little less than 9 hours I will be on my way to England! (with a couple of layovers on the way)
Today has been one full of all different emotions! I have been INSANELY excited for all of the amazing experiences ahead of me but there has been a little anxiety/nervousness that has hit. And let me just tell you, saying goodbye to family and friends is not very easy and there were definitely some tears shed. I can't even imagine how hard it is going to be as I say goodbye tomorrow morning to the rest of my family at the airport (but we'll have to see if I can even comprehend what's going on, 3:30am is a pretty early goodbye!)
Today my family and I got all of the little last minute items I needed, and then we all headed out to one last dinner (Redddd Robin, YUMMMMM). And then the most important event of the night, I was officially set apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! It was one of the most amazing experiences ever. The Spirit in the room was so present. I had some nerves before I got set apart and I just felt all this pressure building up inside of my chest. But right as President Lyman (my Stake President) began the blessing to set me apart, ALL of those nerves diminished and I immediately felt peace. There were so many blessings promised to me if I commit to giving 100% effort.

This is what I am going to be living out of for the next 18 months, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to pack all of my stuff back into these babies. Transfers will be interesting...
Our last dinner together for awhile. Of course we had to document it with a family selfie.
I have a feeling this little sister of mine is going to look quite a bit different when I get home!
I am SO grateful for the amazing blessing that the Gospel is in my life. I know without a doubt that this church is true. I know that Joseph Smith restored the Gospel to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that if you study and ponder it, you can too come to the knowledge of its truthfulness. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet on the earth today. I know that Heavenly Father created a plan so that we could have the opportunity to return to Him someday, and if we strive to keep His commandments and endure to the end, we will have eternal blessings. I know He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for the sins of the entire world so that we could repent and be made clean of the mistakes we have made. I know that Heavenly Father knows me and you individually, and He LOVES you. He knows our struggles, doubts, fears and trials, and is always there to listen if we turn to Him in prayer. I am SO excited to share the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for all of their children in England. I know that Heavenly Father is preparing people now that need to hear this message from me, and I am so ready to go and find those people! I love you all!
This is what I am going to be living out of for the next 18 months, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to pack all of my stuff back into these babies. Transfers will be interesting...
Our last dinner together for awhile. Of course we had to document it with a family selfie.
I have a feeling this little sister of mine is going to look quite a bit different when I get home!
I am SO grateful for the amazing blessing that the Gospel is in my life. I know without a doubt that this church is true. I know that Joseph Smith restored the Gospel to the earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that if you study and ponder it, you can too come to the knowledge of its truthfulness. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true and living prophet on the earth today. I know that Heavenly Father created a plan so that we could have the opportunity to return to Him someday, and if we strive to keep His commandments and endure to the end, we will have eternal blessings. I know He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for the sins of the entire world so that we could repent and be made clean of the mistakes we have made. I know that Heavenly Father knows me and you individually, and He LOVES you. He knows our struggles, doubts, fears and trials, and is always there to listen if we turn to Him in prayer. I am SO excited to share the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for all of their children in England. I know that Heavenly Father is preparing people now that need to hear this message from me, and I am so ready to go and find those people! I love you all!
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